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Online Video - The Web's Preferred Marketing Presentation Tool

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Online video marketing with social learning software is a way for businesses to put a more personal and memorable spin on traditional marketing strategies. Particularly on the internet where creativity can truly peak, the extra time that goes into online video marketing is well worth the effort both for your business and for your clients.

Entertain and Inform

It is always a good idea to build a strong rapport with your existing and potential client and customer pools. To accomplish this, you need to set yourself apart from other businesses. Let them know that you have something special to offer that other businesses cannot. A well thought out video that summarizes your company, your products, and your employees can help you to achieve this end by using a medium that can entertain and inform at the same time.


Online video marketing strategies differ from traditional advertisements because the internet provides more opportunities for businesses to engage clients and customers. Walls of text are usually very intimidating and may discourage readers. Furthermore, not every client has the time to sit down and read every paragraph of traditional online advertisements, no matter how well-written they are. If this is the case, you are more likely to keep a reader's interest with a video.

By releasing videos with social learning software, you can keep your target audience intrigued. Videos can be fun to watch and when a client is engaged in your pitch, you have already gotten a leg up on the competition by setting yourself and your business apart from all the others. Audiences remember the businesses that try different marketing strategies.

A Personal Touch

Another advantage to using social learning software is the personal touch that a video can add to your marketing strategies. Anyone can put together a lengthy wall of text with facts and statistics, but such presentations are often forgettable and dull. Putting together a video combining audio, video, and even some interactivity options, you can convey your business's personality, making your marketing strategy more memorable and entertaining.

Most importantly, by making a video for online marketing purposes, you are putting a friendly face on your business. It is an opportunity for you to ensure that your business and products are properly represented in a way that you can be proud of and your clients will understand. You may consider showing your audience the faces of your employees, a tactic that can help your clients and customers relate to you and your business.

Online video marketing strategies can set your business apart from the competition. By using social learning software, you can put a memorable face on your business that clients and customers will want to do business with.

Knoodle, a multimedia presentation software company, allows its users to create elaborate, engaging, web-based video presentations in minutes. They provide everything you need to create high-impact, video-based presentations for speeches, demos, training programs and e-learning programs. For more information about how Knoodle can bring the wow factor to your presentations, go to or call (408) 328-2981.

Heather Preston. social learning software - Knoodle's social learning software allows users to make creative, web-based presentations in minutes.

Clasificación: 2.2 (6 votos)
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